Think of a piece of machinery; something inherently simple like an old stone mill. An admirable construction, but with a limited number of moving pieces. If something goes wrong, finding a solution wouldn’t be all that time consuming or taxing. Now compare that to a watch. Masterfully crafted. Filled with multiple layers of cogs, tiny intricately designed pieces, each fulfilling their particular function. All working together in complex unity towards a singular goal; telling the time, accurately.

What happens when our watch stops working? We need to go to a specialist. Repairs are expensive, and they take time.
Once a company has reached a certain size, identifying internal problems can become rather problematic. The larger it becomes the more moving pieces there are, the more complex it is. Like our watch.
Hiring the right employee is crucial to success and growth for any business, be it large or small. Arguably, the importance of a solid team increases exponentially as a business scales up, particularly at the corporate level. The more employees a business has, the more they depend on them to function effectively.

Highlighting one of the many reasons human resources professionals are indispensable. They are the specialists that keep a company running smoothly. That’s not to say they are limited to solving issues, however. They can also help us prevent them.
Issues like the wrong employee in the wrong company, for instance. A significant problem. The best way to prevent this is by employing the right people.
How Do I Know Someone is the Right Fit?
Time is of the essence when a position needs filling. This, however, should not come at the cost of hiring the wrong person. It’s not about taking someone who just needs a job, but someone who is dedicated to the long-term success of the business. Finding that person takes time and resources.
That’s where we can come in, and where our collaboration with HR departments begins. The pre-screening process:
- Reference checks: We can get in contact with references, confirm the candidate worked with them.
- Employment history: Were they honest about where they worked, and the responsibilities they had?
- Education verification: Did they graduate? Was their school legitimate? Were they honest about their grades?
- Worker compensation report: Do they suffer from an injury that would prevent them from working?
- Criminal background checks: Are they a registered criminal? If so, what crimes did they commit? We can find out, nationally and internationally.
- Nationwide Sex Offender check
- Social Security Number validation
- Drug screening
These, among many more, are all services we provide. Keeping a healthy and safe working environment is paramount to a productive business. We can help you screen a candidate and make an informed decision, set your heart at ease.

With access to our wide array of tools and vast database, your HR department could not be better equipped. Whether you are employing nationally or internationally, we can help you find the right person. Someone who has got the company’s well being, as well as their own, in mind. A solid pre-screening process is crucial towards that goal.
If you would like information on how to start a working relationship with Nationwide Screening Services, please fill out the form below.